Page 3 - Reviews - Thompson, Children's Zinc Lozenge, Plus Vitamin C, Natural Fruit, 45 Lozenges - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jun 9, 2024
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Auto-translated from Ukrainian

Healthy food is easy to distinguish from unhealthy food - it is rich in nutrients, not calories. Therefore, pizza can hardly be called healthy food, even if you take into account the vegetables with which you will season it. Of course, we do not preach giving up fatty and tasty food, but you should pay attention to healthy food. Conventionally, it can be divided into several groups: - Foods rich in vitamin C: oranges, grapefruits, limes, berries, kiwi, papaya, bell peppers, dark leafy greens, broccoli, tomatoes. They should be consumed fresh. Vitamin C helps the body produce protein that is useful for the skin, blood vessels, bones, cartilage and ligaments. A person cannot produce vitamin C on his own. - Foods rich in vitamin A: sweet potatoes, carrots, greens, leaf lettuce, dried apricots, pumpkin, sweet peppers, tropical fruits, fish and liver. White blood cells need vitamin A to repair themselves and activate their activity, which increases the ability to heal internal wounds. — Foods rich in zinc: oysters, yogurt, cheese, beef, and chicken. Zinc is one of the most important elements of the healing process, as it increases the body's immunity and prevents infection. - Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids: wild salmon, tuna, flax seeds and walnuts. The body of sockeye (such a fish) has great healing potential, as it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This nutrient helps the body reduce inflammation, not only from food, but also from any injury. Omega-3 reduces swelling at the site of damage.

Posted on Jun 9, 2024
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review
Auto-translated from Ukrainian