Page 3 - Reviews - Swanson, Valerian Chamomile Hops, Standardized, 60 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jun 16, 2024
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Auto-translated from Ukrainian

✔️Eat wisely. Ask any person what gives more strength - meat or vegetables, he will answer - meat. People believe that meat gives more energy because it has more calories than vegetables. But if you apply a business approach, it will become clear that the calculation is not revenue, but profit, which means that costs will have to be taken into account. The same principle works in the diet as in the business world: meat gives a lot of energy, that's for sure, but think about how much energy is needed to digest and assimilate it? How much will you have left for the case? Next to nothing. That's why you want to sleep so much after a heavy meat meal. On the contrary, vegetables contain few calories, but little is spent on their assimilation, which leaves a surplus of energy for your work. ✔️Motivate yourself with a sense of pride. In one experiment, three groups of people were invited to a room with chocolate cakes in turn. The first group was reminded of the guilt they would experience after eating the cake. The second was asked to think about how proud they would be of their willpower if they could resist the temptation. The third group was not given instructions. And here is the result: those whose pride the experimenters cried out for ate the least of all. Conclusion: Pride is better at resisting temptation than guilt. Shame and guilt absorb the strength needed to fight temptation. Pride, on the other hand, gives energy that feeds the will to resistance. This fact is of some importance in resisting such common human weaknesses as overeating, procrastination, and laziness.

Posted on May 7, 2024
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Auto-translated from Chinese, Simplified